Sunday, December 20, 2009

2009 Year End

Hai frens...agak lama tak post entry br. 2010 is just around the corner. so for 2009, got a lot of things yet to do.Damn bz! even rite now still in the office. huhu. really need a rest for a while. my brain has working like a machine. terminator many things dateline is by 31st December!.arrrrgggghhhhhhh!!

Going for holiday? mana kah? entah ler. asal dpt holiday udah la. asik terkejar sini sana jea. sesekali rehat best gak. g beach ke..g waterfall ke...asal dpt tenangkan fikiran..

Azam 2009? hahha. bagaimanakah azam anda utk thn 2009? sudah tercapaikah semua yg terazam tue? for me, takde la azam apa pon. just set in mind..kalo bole....nak itu nk ini kalo tak bole tak kisah arr. so tak dikira azam la ek.kekekke.

sambil2 tgg menjelangnya 2010 pk2 kan lah azam diri masing2.more to improve yourself. kalo takde terasa nk apa2..mcm susah gak kan.tak bole too comfortable dgn apa yg ada skrang. even sikit perlu gak berubah. aku pon akan pk2 gak azam thn br.ngeh ngeh.

ok got to go.lewat dh nie.dh maghrib dok kt opis sorg2 lg.bahaya woo...daaaa..

p/s: wish can lepak2 with my best buddies.miss u all...


Rudy? said...

azam saya je belum lagi..tengah tunggu ni..ekekek

Tinta said...

azam? azam apa? nape tunggu?huhu